<aside> 💡 How to use this template

  1. Add your website urls and campaign parameters. The table will generate the tracking link automatically
  2. Duplicate the Campaign Builder spreadsheet and use the Notion integration in to import and sync your databases in Rows.
  3. Embed Rows tables and charts to add a visual tracker of the performance of the utm links.
  4. Share it with your team and clients.


Read this blogpost for more context on the template and how to use embeds.

Welcome to the UTM Campaign Tracker! With this tool, we're able to track the performance of our marketing campaigns across different channels and identify which ones are driving the most traffic and conversions to our website.

In the table below, you'll find data on 10 dummy marketing campaigns, including the Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, and Campaign Name. We've also included columns for Website Visitors and Conversions, which show how many people visited our website through each campaign and how many of them completed a desired action.

Use this information to gain insight into which campaigns are most effective for your business and optimize your marketing strategy accordingly.

Campaign URL Builder

Create tracking links for your marketing campaigns and easily keep track of its impact.

Campaign URL Builder


⚠️ This is sample data. Add here your Rows embed.

🔗 Duplicate the spreadsheet and embed it in this template.

Channel priorities

Acquisition channel priorities

Deep Dives

Paid Marketing Campaign Report